Elsa Pataky y Adrien Brody pasean su amor por Chile
La guapa actriz española se encuentra en Chile para rodar la película Santos. El actor Adrien Brody de 33 años que encarna el papel del torero Manolete en una película todavía por estrenar, se acerco hasta Chile para poder festejar juntos el 30 cumpleaños de Elsa Pataky.
Parece ser que hay algo más que amistad entre los dos actores ya que comparten hotel y se les ha visto pasear por las calles de Santiago de Chile cogidos de la mano.
I just finished Barnaby Conrad’s book, “The Death of Manolete.” It is uncanny how much Adrien Brody resembles Manolete—except for the scar on Manolete’s left cheek from a previous bullfight wound. The book has fantastic pictures of Manolete and his final fight. It tells the story of the rivalry between Manolete (at that point on the downhill side of his career) and the arrogant newcomer, Dominguin. It will be interesting to see how the movie portrays Manolete’s girlfriend’s desire for him to continue to fight while he wanted to quit. It will also be interesting to see how Adrien Brody depicts Manolete’s famous coup de grace over the bull’s horns and front shoulders. The move ultimately led to his death. Check out the book, “The Death of Manolete” by Barnaby Conrad published by Pippin Publishing, http://www.pippinpublishing.com .